Communities In Schools is a national organization that ensures every student, regardless of who they are, their ability, zip code or socioeconomic background, has what they need to realize their potential in school and beyond. We work directly inside CCPS across the county, hand-in-hand with parents, families and caregivers, helping them access important resources and support their children’s success.

Being Present Matters: We show up for students by connecting them to the critical support and resources that they need in order to be successful in the classroom and beyond. Caring adults can make a huge difference in a student’s life. That’s why CIS site coordinators are the ultimate caring connectors, bringing support directly inside the school building to help students succeed. 

OUR MISSION: to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.

OUR VISION: To be Communities In Schools’ premiere educational support provider in creating a community in which every student is inspired, families encouraged, educators empowered, and citizens are engaged ensuring that every child graduates high school with purpose and direction.

OUR BELIEFS: At Communities In Schools of Catoosa County we strive to ensure that everyone, regardless of ability, age, cultural background, faith, gender, income, race or sexual orientation has the opportunity to reach their full potential with dignity

OUR FOCUS: From early education to the graduation stage

CISCC believes every child needs and deserves the five basics:

  1. A personal, one-on-one relationship with a caring adult

  2. A safe picture place to learn and grow

  3. A healthy start and a healthy future

  4. A marketable skill to use upon graduation

  5. A chance to give back to peers and community

    Communities In Schools of Catoosa consists of two programs:

    Parents as Teachers (PAT) : An Evidence- Based comprehensive home-visiting Parent education model, which focuses on school readiness and child development. serving children and families from prenatal to age five.

    School Sites: We have Site Coordinators in six schools in Catoosa County: CSE, TCE, WSE, LMS, LFo, and RHS. All school sites offer school-wide, small groups, and personal supports that work toward improvement on the ABCs (Attendance, Behavior, and Coursework/Grades).